Photo by Cadu Sousa

(Music & Capoeira Angola Workshops)

The seeds are not in our bodies just as food.  They raise our self-esteem because they adorn us, bring our percussion instruments to life, and invite us to the joy of parties and dances!
Thus, we establish permanent communion, sharing and dialogue with the planet.
In addition to working on making instruments with seeds, we will show how tactile experimentation, listening and the festive actions obey a dynamic in which rite and rhythm; senses and sounds nourish our dreams and strengthen our struggles.

The two days workshops with musicians Délcio Teobaldo and Pedro Lima will happen a week before the recording of the Album Guarnicê. Keep your eye on this space and join us in that project!


Friday, December 13th

. Pedro Lima Percussion Workshop - 6pm til 8pm
. Roda de Capoeira MarAzul - 8pm til 9.30pm
. The Crepe Factory - after Roda

Saturday, December the 14th - 12pm til 5pm

. Seeds, Senses and Sounds Music Workshop with Délcio Teobaldo & Pedro Lima - 12pm til 2pm
. Capoeira Angola Workshop with Masters Rilene & Carlo Alexandre - 2pm til 4:30pm
. Roda de Capoeira @ The Crepe (5pm onwards)

. Delcio Teobaldo & Pedro Lima show & especial guests @ The Crepe Factory Restaurant - 7.30pm / £5

The Crepe Factory: 297, North End Road, Fulham, London W14 9NS

Register now, share and spread the word!
Tickets in advance with Mestre Joaozinho
Limited space

Event: Seeds, Senses & Sounds
Location: Gibbs Green Tenants, Hall Dieppe Close, London, W14 9NN
Time: 12pm til 5pm
Dates: December 13/14
Teachers: Carlo Alexandre, Rilene Sousa, Pedro Lima & Delcio Teobaldo
Fee: £40 / early birds - £35 til November the 30th (contact: Mestre Joãozinho / +44 7871 193871)

                                                              Mestre Carlo Alexandre
                                            Photo by Sam Campbell (Roda do Cais do Valongo)

                                                                      Mestra Rilene


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