Album Guarnicê Crowdfunding! Spread the word!!

We are very excited to launch today the Crowdfunding of our Guarnicê Project and we hope to have your support and participation!

This project is a follow up on the album Contragolpe and the video produced collectively in Mexico, also entitled Guarnicê. It is a not-for-profit project and is aimed at raising awareness of current attitudes towards the environment and a critique of the political-economic system that we are subject to worldwide.

Very importantly, it also creates a platform for capoeiristas, artists, musicians, music producers, researches and the general public to generate ideas and create music and art collectively. Within our current social structures we are often made to act individually.

Part of this project is an attempt to reverse this trend and get us to work collectively and in partnership in order to have our voices heard further afield.

We are just 2 months away from the recording weekend in London, on December the 21st and 22nd. 

It’s very simple to give your support to our project. Please have a look how to do that below!

The products described in here are exclusively aimed at financing this project. Through these donations you will be a supporter of the project and depending on the donated amount you will be entitled to the following rewards:

1. The Guarnicê song from homonym capoeira videoclip. Basically, this track is a remaster of  ‘Vou Guarnicê Meu Caboclo’, The original track from the capoeira album Contragolpe (2018). Donate a minimum of £3 clicking here to purchase this music on Bandcamp.

Also, you can watch the videoclip by clicking here!

2. The album T.shirt* - 50 shirts available (£12 donation plus shipping costs) - purchase via email at

* See the t-shirt art bellow:


3. Cormorance Book by writer and illustrator Nick Hayes* - 40 books available (donation of £ 15 plus shipping costs) - purchase via email at

See information about that book by clicking here:

* Nicky Hayes is the art designer on the Guarnicê Project

GIFT: ‘Roda dos Saberes do Cais do Valongo’ book - only 3 books available - this is not for sale. It will be given away during the two days of the recording.

See the book cover bellow:

Please subscribe to participate on the Guarnicê Recording (21th & 22nd December) via email at

By doing that you will be entitled to get this prize! :)

In addition to all that, you are also able to contribute directly through our PayPal account, available at account, donating through our previous album ‘Contragolpe’.

Contribution towards Contragolpe will be supporting entirely the new recording.   All income collected will be available on that music platform with transparency and due information.


. 10% of the profits of Guarnicê Album sales will be donated to a foundation which works with Brazil indigenous peoples, which protests against the offenses made towards the Brazilian indigenous leader, Cacique Raoni, by the President of Brazil in a speech given at the last UN summit meeting last September 2019, in New York.  

. 10% of the profits will also be donated to the charity Raw Material Music & Media Education (studio where the album Guarnicê will be recorded, which support disenfranchised young people in London). 

>> Total to be achieved for the project: £1,200.00:

500 - towards Délcio Teobaldo and Pedro Lima tickets (from and to Rio de Janeiro) Musical director and artistic director respectively

400 - Délcio and Pedro’s expenses for 10 days

300 - Sound technicians

* all profit deriving from the selling of Guarnicê songs on or other music platforms will be destined towards the recording of the next and last album recording of this trilogy.


See below for other information regarding Guarnicê and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:

Guarnicè Recording Project / 21th & 22nd Dec. 2019:

Word and rhythm. Rhythm and word!

At some moments of human history, dialogue and music were necessary to unite and enhance collective attitudes. We live in a plural world, where the old concept of humans and nature, as separate beings, no longer makes sense. We are environment!

This new paradigm assumes that there are as many humanities - with their ethnic, cultural and social particularities, as there are multiple natures of trees, stones, waters, gases, metals, insects, algae and lichens. We urgently need to acknowledge that we are composed of many singularities and should respect each one of them for the common good of our planet.

The Guarnicê Project is born out of the need to dialogue and shake perceptions and attitudes.   More than music and rhythms, Guarnicê proposes to be a reflection of the Earth, in permanent communion with our identities. Therefore the basic instrumentation of the arrangements - berimbaus, caxixis, rattles, drums and other wood and string instruments - are made with seeds, stones, woods, metals, in a synergy that unites the traditional cultures of the peoples of all continents.  

Guarnicê is a narrative of Brazilian Indigenous-African-European ethnicity in this world dialogue.

Lyrics and music bring the richness of Toré, Jurema, Capoeira, Batuques, Folguedos, the rhythmic orality that breaks the boundary between the sacred and the profane.

Guarnicê is the popular way of pronouncing the verb “guarnecer” which means to equip oneself, to protect oneself;  defend; fill up; complete oneself; strengthen, provide the necessary to share and promote the occupation of spaces of voice and action.

Guarnicê is one of the voices that calls for listening in favour of the well-being of the Earth and all beings who recognize that harmony should reign. History has changed and we cannot act as before, our multidisciplinary vision must shows us that it is now urgent to be part of the world, one body.

This Project is born to dialogue with this new attitude. We want dissonance and antagonism against the self-destructive view of capitalism. The time has come to return power to plants, animals, and ritual. The time is now!

Délcio Teobaldo and Carlo Alexandre 

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Revision by Frances Lima Goodingham
Portuguese Language Coordinator
Portuguese Year Abroad Coordinator     


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