Délcio Teobaldo & Pedro Lima in London

Very exciting!

Two other great artists have confirmed their presence in London for the recording of Album Guarnicê. Délcio Teobaldo and Pedro Lima will be the artistic and musical directors respectively. With extensive literary, musical work and as a writer and director of television and film, Délcio Teobaldo will come to London for the third time, now to direct the art and videos of Guarnicê.

Pedro Lima, percussionist, associated to Brazilian artist Carlos Negreiros, former group Pandemonium, founder of the carnival band “É do Pandeiro”, actor and musical director of Cia. de Mysterios e Novidades, besides being one of the great names of the Brazilian pandeiro. The artist visits London almost 10 years after the great success of the play In Blood - the Bacchae, first theatrical production of capoeira on British soil, when he was musical director and performer in the play.

We invite the British and international capoeira community to come join the Capoeira Roda to be recorded on December 21th in London.

Guarnicê Album is the call to the arriving of Bumba-Meu-Meu-Boi do Maranhão, it is the fire to warm the goat skins of the giant tambourines, it is the time to gather and strengthen, it is the moment that the drums roar because the ‘Bumba Ox’ is coming, it’s the art of Capoeira denouncing the attacks against the earth’s sacred soils and seas.


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